Tuesday, November 23, 2010

woahh parkson! hari pertama aku bekerja!((: 22 november 2010

ohh yeahh..
part time sales assistant((:
children department((:
parkson one utama..trimas ya!
saye happy plus cuak disane((:
huhu..baru "sixteen" dh kerja woot!
ohh yea! fyi,pade siape yg pkir bekrja time cuti skolah ni bosan n so on,,ooppss..korg salah..haha
drpd korg duduk rumah mngabihkan beras..baik kerja,,jmpe org,,blajar care berkomunikasi..best sgt3..!

Friday, October 8, 2010

melawat maktab terchenta!


weyh! sumpah lahh aku rindu korg doe! cume malu je aku nk tunjuk,,nggee((:

dayana,,aku mintak maaf,,aku busy gler,,xdpt sembang ngan hang lame2 enn??
kite ade jodoh lah,,akhirnye jmpe gak ngan hang kat dpn TAC..
huhu,,roomate tersayang,,

huhu,,haziq n amelia,,org pertame yg aku jmpe yang bwk aku jln2 sekitar maktab,,weyhh,,aku syg korg dohh,,
haziq,,aku tau ko rindu aku en,,hak3,,
mia,,thnx 4 evrytngg(:simpan tau buku yg dont be sad touh,,

well..meet hamizah,nana,syud,melia!

bino!kucing HEA,,thnx cikgu!jase mu dikenang sbb bgy saye tdoo umah ckgu dan paham jiwa saye yg nk jmpe kwn2 lame2,huhu:P

fadhilah n syuhada!!
fadhilah:aku akn igt kadet polis smpai bile2 weyhh,,,rinduu sgt3,,
syuhada: aku rindu ko doee jiraN!

kat rumah HEA,,sdg syokk sndri menangkap gmba..nasib baek kat sane aku bawak tudung bnyak2,,kalu tak confirm kne marah ngan cikguu,,hik3,,

biskut,air kotak,gule2,,pen,,aku rindu nk beli sume tuhh,,
aku rinduu outing ngan korg doee!
langkwi dalam HATI sampai BILA-BILA!

MEELA syg!!huhuhu,,aku rindu ko doee!!nnty cuti kite hang out k??kesian ko,
mule2 naii xde,,
then aku,,
then yana,,
sabar kay meela??
belajar rajin2,,

thnx sbb spend time ngan aku dalam TM17,,
aku syg korg,,insyaallah tahun dpn aku dtg agy,,
b4 spm,,nk melawat kawan2..

itulah kisah 2 hari aku disane,,
aku rindu korg smpai mati
aku syg korg,
tp xbleyhh wat ape dah skrgg,,
aku terpakse truskan hidup..
guys,,doakan aku berjaye hidup di dunia realiti yg penuh dgn DUGAAN dan CABARAN,, )':

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

umah abie,,then jln2,,then skolah+library+tusyen!arghh!!

so hye people,,so basically nk ckp,,
giler ahh packed nk mati tyme tble ku cuti ni!!erghh!!

so strt withh abie open house..ngee((:
sgt2lahh best kerana kehadiran org2 yg giler2,,rindoo same mereka!

wahaha,,sumpahh rindu u guys!
p/s: aizat!sorry tau2,,
paan: sorry jgakk ,,i mmg cm agak baran ble ckp ngan u

the second day!

which is ari ahad,
nothing much to do,,tdo spnjg hari then mlm gi beraye then
lepak kat mamak

haha..this tyme kat giant mall,,gatal sgt tgn nk beli barangg..then baru lepak FARIS MAJU((:

so tdayy((:

bapakk ahh busy,,
pgy sekolahh sbb cik liang bwat kelas tmbahan utk fizik,,
yes i do love it tp kalu dari pgy sampai balek fizik mmg pecahh ahh otak dohhh,,ahaha((:
nasib baikk ilmu yg dye bagy aku ikhlaskan ati jgak nk dgr,,kalu x sia2 je dtg(:
then ptg balik,makan,mandi,solat,on9
bergerak lah aku sorg diri
mnuju ke RUMAH KEDUA AKU,,libraryy,,warghh,,penat ouhh
gler rush ahh kat sane,, wat hw emily(addmths)
huuhuu((: tajuk susah..tp okay lahh
diffrntiation ott(:

so mlm ni mmg la sgt2 pnt..
eskk??ehem2,,adelahh,,enjoykan diri((:

so thts all!((:

hehe((: saje market gmba sndiri,,xde keje (:

Friday, October 1, 2010

library is lyke my second house now((: bkn nk poyo ok??

hidup sangat berbeza,,aku separa bahagia! mengerti??

can u see tht??itu rumah kedua i,,
hari2 disane,,walaupun hanya 1 jam ..
saya wajib ke sana hari2,,utk wat hw dan ulangkaji,
haih,,i bukan skema tp sgt risau ngan pelajaran smpai tidur ponn berselimut buku,,ahaks..poyo2,,
maklumlahh skolahh baru ni lain dari ape yg i sngkekann,,
mereka TERSANGAT LAHH HEBAT! haihh,,mengape lahh((:
so i need to work very hard,,susahh ouhh,,dah le bnyak chpter trtinggal..haiyyoo((:
k lahh,,dunno what to sayy,,bye2.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

tday??cikgu emily yang tersayang!!

her chinese name?i dont know
but her english name is emily(: she's super duper good in addmths..
also in maths modern and2,,biology,,
she taught me very well and a bit fast but i still managed to get what's her point..
she's good in english too..
she's a busy woman but she's enjoying her life..
tht's cool man..
and her fav quote is..
ADD MATHS IS VERY EASY FOR ME(: wahh,,u r totally awesome((:
i'm proud to have an enthusiastic teacher lyke her..
she's a good chinese which also think about the cleanliness..
she's good in evrything she does..
haha..if she read my blog sure she'll be KEMBANG,,haha
i love her la,,i mean the way she is,
she's a hardworking person and very nice..ahaha(: i hope i can be as clever as her is oneday((:
thnx 4 teaching me add mths((:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

haihh(; rindu mye kat mrsm langkawi(:

so tday,,i mean 18 sept,,
sume kngkawan yg masih blajar di mrsm akan menaiki feri,flight dan juga tksi utk smpai ke maktab terCINTA..
see? how hard to be me?
i felt so sad..sumpahh,,ye lah,,dlu aku pown cmtuhh.
rindu sume bnde yg ade kat lgkw,,y lah wanie..kan dah xlehh patah baik,padan muke!
hurmm,,so kesimpulannye hari ni sdeyh x mcm smlm dan hari2 yg kblakang..
td g giant..
1st tyme pakai tudung nihh..ahak2,,buwokk(:

hurmm,,then aku pown bergerak lahh ke giant utk beli kasut kat BATA..
dlu kasut utk maktab BATA jgak..tpi PVC n kaler itamm
now on kne pakai kasut kanvas putih,,very sad lorhhh..
haihh..tyme bayar ngan mak tdy air mate aku meleleh2 xleyh berhnti
ye lahh,,sape snggup dowhh??
aku pown bayar lahh kasut tuhh..rm29.99
murah jew..xdelahh mahal sgt macm kasut aku tyme kat mktb((:
then aku pownn gerak naik pasaraya giant
bli barang mcm singlet PUTIH(ooupps) n stokin PUTIH,,anak tudung PUTIH..
so sad((:
pastu balik xsempat nak rehat n facebook puas2 tu dia
sedara dtg mengjut
xkisah lahh..JEMPUT LA MASUK(:
ouhh,,rpe2nye abg adib,pakteh,kak amim,abg daus,kak intan n abg rudy yg dtg,,eh ,,abg esan xde lak?
meriah nye ya allahh,,kalah tadika belakang umahh..nk buad cmne,,ramai gler kanak2 ribena(: ceria betul..nasib baik aku snyum(:
bile diorg balik,,adik aku menangis teresak2..hak3..kwn2 dah ilang sdeyhh lak dye..hazim2(:
then aku tatau nk buat ape aku on facebook
tgk status naii,,haihh,,she seems lyke have a problem ouhh..so aku tnye
then kitorg on the phone around 45 mins,,
chill kay naii,aku tau ko struggle cmne..xpe,,tuhan tuhh maha ADIL rght??
then ttbe aku dpt msg dari paan ..
he said tht dye bru lpas kne mrh..haha2..tak tahu,,aiyyokk!!aku yg puncenye..
asllah aku call dye brjuta kali..amek ko skli dye lak jd mngse,,
sorry paann,,aku xbrmksd nk kcay kau..cme aku nk gtau kat ko arinie aku sdeyhh sgt):
nk share je,,ko kan kwn baik akuu..
hurmm,,so aku ckp kat dye aku xkn kcau dye dah..
aku sruh dye YG cntct aku bile dye dah ok(:
i thing i need to be more serius on academics la skrgg..
no turn back enn??
so CHAIIYYOOKK wanie(:
insyaallah aku bolehh(:
so tnpe brlengah after sbulan aku ngan air mate malam nihh baru aku terbukak hati nk kemas bilik aku(: mksd aku buku2 dari mrsm tuhh
aku x snggup nk sntuh dlu,,so aku biar jerkk,hahah(: teruk btull,,
how hard it is to 4get them..haihh):

tuhh gmba aku ngan naii kat umah dye..mase nihh aku sleepover kat umah dye sbb smbut brthday prty kakak dye(: NADJA FARIS..
mase nihh both of us still maresmawians):
nmpak love stick tuhh??naii gak yg bagy(: thnx..dye bagy tyme f3(:
yg btol kaca ade kapal tuhh azwani bagy..
rumate aku ngan naii tyme f3..skrg dye dahh pgy mrsm taiping!hebat enn?? rndu dye(:
lilin tuhh alyaa rshid yg bagy..sbb tht tyme aku suke sgt kumpul lilin,,,smpena brthday aku lilin tuhh(: thnx dear!

nmpak nihh??ni la gmba grduasi aku
huhu(: tyme nihh happy la kononnye coz dpt
no 7 dlm batch enn??
impian kalahkan boyfriend yg angkuh lgy berlagak tuhh berjaye jgakk,,hak3,,
sorry raffiq!!DAA!

yg nihh pulak kad yg khas dibuat oleh pelajar2 402 btul2 1 jam b4 aku dtg klas hari aku nk kuar tuhh
terharu gler beb
bsar nk mati smpai terpkse lipat sbb nk masuk flight tyme nk balek(:

sumpah smpai skrg xkan dpt lupe maktab(:
lame2 aku fkir,,skrg baru paham knape mktb umpama neraka,,haiyoo,,demi mase dpan la dooyy!!
bnrlahh ckp org
bile kite dah khilangan milik kite
baru kite akn hargai,,haishh
nasi dahh jd bubur,,so xleyhh wtpw..
hari ponn dahh lewat mlm nihh..
dah pagi dahh ponn,,
so gdnyte n gdmorning(: esok kne tusyen fizik ngan ckgu fikri..harap2 okay(:

yg benar(:waniediva(:

Friday, September 17, 2010

hehe((: jog selepas puas ber RENDANG((:

assalamualaikum n hye 4 tday((:
nothing much tht i can conclude wut was hppning tday
kay22..start dary pagy ehh??
huhu..i woke up around 11 a.m then i walked downstairs to see either mum or dad is at home or not..
then i went nearer to my little DODIIE bggie laptop n as ussual FACEBOOKINg
then i dont know what 2 do ..
i opened the fridge n take a look if anything there tht can be eaten
then i found chocos,,huhu,,YUMMY!!
I went back to my room n started having a bath..
i cleaned up my rooom,,
then i saw that it was already 5.30p.pm
so i asked my mum to bring the whole family
to STADIUM mpbj N HAVE A nice recreation time((:
my dad wasnt there as usual
i've tried my best to have a non-stop jog around the lake
but i cant
DAH LAME x jogging so mcm tu ahh
practise make perfect right??
then i went around the playground to play with my adek
after jatuh2 so many kali hak3..
i took these pictures((:

n tonite i mrh tahap bangang ouhh
nk tau nape
ade la stranger ni comment gler pedas kat blog aku yg psl ibu bape tuhh
WTH?? huuhh??
dye ade fmly bhgie go ahead!!
xde kne mngena ngan aku
cube kalu dye duduk kat tmpat aku..sape jea yg tahan??
even NANI pon kate aku LUAR biase ..n if dye jadi aku mybe dye dah bunuh diri.
aku cerite roughly je kat blog ni
gile ke hape nk cite evrything huhh??
tau lagakk
so if korg rase aku ni mrungut or wtevr..blahh ahh
dont read my blog ehh
kott ye ponn tgur tuu leklok ahh
dahle xknal
bile aku bkak balik blog minah yg tgur aku ni enn??ayat dye agak ahh pedas smcmm..
patot ahh
haihhh..nsb baik aku xde kwn mcm dye kalu x ABISLAA..
beware ehh,,aku bukan yg mcm korg sngkekan ,,,
stakat ni aku ok jerkk,,kngkwn aku ok jerrkk,,
so please lahh strnger oii,,jgn wat hal kayy?